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Hygiene Systems

Streamlined delivery of hygiene products and services.


Hygiene systems came to us looking for experienced PHP developers based in Auckland. Hygiene started with an in-house custom software development project which quickly grew into a central management tool which needed outside help to develop and maintain.

We took over Hygiene Systems customer portal project from another developer. Since then we have extended Hoop to mobile devices for service staff, streamlined the invoicing process, and extended the Customer relationship management and Sales and ordering aspects of the application.

hoop247 application logo


hoop login page screenshot


We unified the New Zealand and Australian versions of the application so that both sides of the Tasman are using the same software rather than maintaining two versions of the system.

software dashboard screenshot


Clear graphical dashboards which provide realtime updates of sales and marketing data to the whole company.

order management software screen

Order management

Tracking customers orders and service requests to ensure nothing falls between the cracks.

proposal assembly screen


A proposal system was designed to streamline and unify the way that sales members can build proposals and quotes.

From building the proposal and signing an agreement, right through to setting up an installation, each customer will have the same experience no matter who is doing the work.

customer portal login screen

Customer Portal

Customers time is valuable. The customer portal allows customers to order products and services, and manage their hygiene contracts online.

The hoop247 portal is designed to make hygiene processes as simple as possible

accounting system myob xero integration

Dual Accounting interface

Hoop seamlessly supports two different accounting and warehousing cloud services.

Some sites are on a Xero/Unleashed combination and other sites use MYOB Advanced Business

Virtual Meetings

A custom Virtual Meeting system was implemented on top of Twilio to allow video meetings to be created and attended in place of in person meetings during the Covid19 pandemic.

This has allowed the on-boarding of new customers and the retention of existing customers even when restriction meant an in person meeting was not possible.

hygiene connect virtual meeting software

The Tech App

Onsite service is key component of Hygiene Systems offerings. Mobile technicians are the front line staff who the customer sees most often. As such technicians need to co-ordinate servicing and product ordering, ideally before customers are aware there is an issue.

The mobile tech app allows technicians to plan their day and service run. While onsite, they are able to communicate back to the office to order new products. And more importantly pass on issues and sales opportunities to the account manager, so that the little things don't slip though the cracks.

Progressive Mobile Web App

The app we produced for Hygiene systems is a progress mobile web app, optimised for Android devices.

Progressive mobile web apps have some advantages over native apps:

  • Reduced development time.
  • Less components and skills required. Mobile Web apps mostly use the same skills and technology employed on a web site or web application. Little additional technology and skill sets are required.
  • Faster to deploy. As with any web based application, changes made on the server are instantly available to the clients in the field. There is no need to wait on App Store/Play store approval and for users to download the latest version.

Mobile web apps are a great option when developing mobile apps for internal users who do not require offline capabilities.

tech app mobile responsive application screenshot
hygiene footer logo
Hygiene products sales and service
Customer since
Hygiene products sales and service